What to Expect
Visiting a new church can be intimidating, but below is an idea of what to expect so you can start feeling right at home.
We hope to see you this Sunday!

Sunday Schedule
English-Speaking Guests
10:00 AM — English Worship Service (First Floor)
11:30 AM — English Sunday School for All Ages (Third Floor)
12:30 PM — Lunch with All Congregations (Third Floor)
2:00 PM — Youth Fellowship for 6-12th Graders (First Floor)
Chinese-Speaking Guests
10:00 AM — Cantonese & Mandarin Sunday School for Adults (Third Floor)
11:30 AM — Cantonese & Mandarin Worship Service (First Floor)
12:30 PM — Lunch with All Congregations (Third Floor)
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear? Whatever you want. Jesus cares about your heart, so wear what you want, whether that’s a T-shirt or a three-piece suit. "â€All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." John 6:37 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 "â€Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean." Matthew 23:27
Where do I go? When you open our front door, you’ll see the worship sanctuary straight ahead. If you're looking for Sunday School, you'll see stairs to your right leading up to the third floor. We usually have someone in the lobby so don't be afraid to ask a friendly face for directions!
What will the service be like? In both services, we sing together using a praise band to play a mix of modern worship songs and timeless hymns. We also learn from a sermon each week, where our pastor or a church leader explains a section of the Bible and how it applies to our lives today. Our Cantonese & Mandarin service includes live translation so that speakers of both languages can worship together.
What about our kids? Babies & Toddlers (0-4): Believe it or not, your babies and toddlers benefit from experiencing a worship service, but we have two options for that depending on your preferences. If you want to keep your baby or toddler with you in the sanctuary, feel free to grab some coloring pages from the back table and let your kiddo play quietly in your pew. If your toddler needs to let out some extra squirms at any point in the service, or you want a little more privacy for nursing, we have a nursery upstairs that overlooks the sanctuary, where you can still see, hear, and participate in the worship service while your little ones play in a safe environment. Children (K-5th): Your children will experience a dynamic Sunday School hour with activities and Bible study in kid-friendly words that fit their developmental stage. During the worship service, we hope you’ll encourage your children to sing and pray along with you, and we provide children’s sermon notes, coloring sheets, and crayons so they can glean the big ideas from the sermon. If you’ll be attending the Chinese Sunday School, your elementary-aged children can sit with one of our designated, background-checked children’s volunteers during the English service. Teens (6th-12th): Your teenagers have two opportunities each week to gather with other students their age! During Sunday School, they’ll gather with their age group to study the Bible. During Youth Fellowship, they’ll experience how their relationship with God impacts their daily life through fun games, interactive teaching, and break-out discussion groups.
Taking the train? Take the N to 8 Avenue or R to 53 Street, then B70 to 8th Avenue and 50th Street, then walk to 7th Avenue and 52nd Street. We're right on the corner!