We love to see people thrive on Serve Teams that fit their gifts and passions!
Find Your Fit on a Serve Team
Did you know that you’ve been uniquely designed by God with gifts, strengths, and passions?
1 Corinthians 12:4–6 (NIV)
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”
When you operate in the gifts God has given you, you build stronger connections, make a deeper impact, and feel more fulfilled.
See a Serve Team below that interests you?
Talk to Augustine and Laura this Sunday about how to get involved
Worship Service Teams

Welcome Team
You’re the first smiling face we all see each Sunday morning! Both services need Welcome Guides who set up the welcome table, pass out bulletins with a smile, and lead guests to the right rooms as needed.
Logistics Team
Behind every smooth worship service is a team of volunteers handling unseen details that make all the difference. If you get joy out of completing small tasks that make a big impact (like making headcounts, printing bulletins, setting up tables, etc.), this may be your perfect fit!

Music & Tech Team
Includes Praise Band and Tech Booth volunteers for both the English and Chinese worship services, plus Presiders for the Chinese worship service.

Sunday Lunch Team
We love gathering all the congregations together to eat lunch each Sunday! By cooking some components of the meal and serving the food, you’ll be essential to fostering unity among our congregations.
Discipleship & Care Teams
Member Care Team
You make sure every church member feels seen and cared for! This team intentionally keeps track of the physical and emotional needs of church members and communicates those needs to the pastoral staff so no one falls through the cracks.

Adult Discipleship Team
This team includes Sunday School teachers for adult classes, fellowship group leaders, and other adult small group leaders who help our adults pursue Jesus through biblical teaching and group discussion.
Children’s Ministry Team
This team includes Sunday School teachers for K-5th Grade and “Buddies” who take responsibility for 2-3 elementary-aged children to sit with them during the English Worship Service while their parents attend Chinese Sunday School. If you speak Mandarin, we periodically have newly immigrated children who need a personal translator during our English Sunday School hour. For the protection of our minors, this Serve Team is only available for background-checked members after a 6-month waiting period.
Youth Ministry Team
This team includes Sunday School teachers for 6-12th Grade and our Youth Group volunteers who help our teens pursue Jesus through biblical teaching, group discussions, and fun activities. For the protection of our minors, this Serve Team is only available for background-checked members after a 6-month waiting period.

Administrative Teams
Event Planning Team — If the logistics of organizing, advertising, decorating, and planning retreats and special events excite you, you might be a perfect fit for our event planning team. This team primarily helps our ministers plan the annual retreat and any other special events you might dream up!
Seasonal Teams
Summer Vacation Bible School — Each August, we serve our local community through a week of songs, games, bible stories, and crafts that point our neighborhood kids and their families toward Jesus. For the protection of our minors, this Serve Team is only available for background-checked members after a 6-month waiting period.